從 Kindle 2 到在港引入電子教科書





二、電腦字體的邊不一定是化的,很多人都知道,把電腦字體的邊沿利用灰階平滑掉是anti-aliasing技術的一個應用,也叫作font smoothing,用意跟專家說的正好相反,是讓電腦上的字好看點。

個人覺得anti-aliasing字體的確好看得多,相信Steve Jobs也同意這點,因為Mac的畫面、網頁顯示比Windows好看得多,正正是基於anti-aliasing的運用,Steve Jobs甚至在Standford畢業禮那個著名的演講裏也特意提到Mac上的字體。

扯遠了一點。不是想說Steve Jobs對而眼科專家錯,重點是,anti-aliasing如果的確對眼睛不好,不用就可以,不應該就此否定電子書。事實上,Windows也是在Vista/IE7才用上ClearType(所以才那麼難看),況且不喜歡的可以關掉。

本來只是想說一聲Amazon的電子書Kindle剛推出2.0而已,可能因為害怕這種「電子書=每人背一台筆記本電腦」、「電腦輔助教學=將筆記變powerpoint」的概念,一不小心寫了以上的一堆文字,唯有把標題也改了 -.-

Kindle 2 & Obama Kindle 2 and pencil
Kindle 2 & books





在〈從 Kindle 2 到在港引入電子教科書〉中有 5 則留言

  1. 「Charles Mok」的個人頭像

    Thank you….just doing my small part to try to consolidate from ideas from the frontline, about this so-called ebooks, or else, the Govt will just listen to the “stakeholders”, i.e. the headmasters and the publishers, and you know what will then happen.

    Thanks again,

    1. 「kin」的個人頭像

      ya, can imagine..

      But, well, listening to stakeholders is itself right though not enough. Maybe what can be done instead is to talk to the stakeholders?

      i got a friend working in a local publishing company for years, who said they have the “e-content” available for long. It’s just that they are worried about not getting pay from pirated copies, that they have to insist in selling physical books while giving away the e-contents. Perhaps the ICT can contribute ideas on how publishers may still get pay.

      i wish i can sell “physical game” and give away our “digital games” ;p

  2. 「Charles Mok」的個人頭像

    By the way, anyone interested in this topic or ICT in general, please contact me directly 🙂

  3. 「lmk」的個人頭像

    last week, I saw a lady reading e-book on her Bookeen in MTR.

  4. 「kin」的個人頭像

    it’s rare.. it’s always NDS i thought..


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