

也沒大礙,我往機場一般都特別早,撲回家拿,還是趕得及。再想想何處是吾家…oh shit,護照居然在北京…

國泰十分關照,免費給我把航班改到晚上,好讓我回「家」拿護照,但地球村上的這個家畢竟有點遠。還好連入境處都待我很好,下午的三個小時內便給我一本新的護照,甚至也不會趁機把我劏一頸血收特高手續費。香港的服務很多時還是很抵讚的。提著行李從元朗去機場然後去中環灣仔中環灣仔中環再回機場那是我活該,最後只延誤了十個小時,真的要感激國泰和入境處,尤其是地勤小姐Pam Chan和灣仔入境大樓五樓的聶小姐。


在〈燒鬚〉中有 9 則留言

  1. hv u changed? u always go to airport early for ur flight? that’s a good change.

  2. ok you are really an “old” friend, i’ve changed for 10 years la..

    i’m either in time or late for all other appointment, but am almost always very early for flights. but probably i’d better be 10 hours earlier than flight time so as to go bj to get my passport..

  3. 「東二打六」的個人頭像



  4. 「Sis Kellie」的個人頭像
    Sis Kellie

    Lucky u but be careful next time !!

  5. 「Ruby」的個人頭像

    really miss you, and miss your updated news here
    take care in Beijing, it’s so cold
    don’t be so careless next time
    you make me think of my big brother who is also in Beijing now…

  6. 「咪嘈」的個人頭像


  7. 我呢排… 唔係好妥當… 上個月飛上海又冇身份證…
    總之呢排就係… 亂哂籠…

  8. ruby:

    come visit your brother ba. and let me buy you dinner 🙂

    quite strange, there’re some friends who very hard to meet in hk, or even when we do meet, there’s not much time to talk. but then when they have biz trips to visit bj, we can have dinner and chat, without looking at the clock..

  9. kellie:

    next time i’ll be travelling with mom, so definitely can’t forget or else will be very big wok!

    these days i’m a bit occupied, so things quite messy..


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