Hiring Talented Developers in Hong Kong
Feb 04, 2010
chpapa said…
Actually I think a “sure path” is no longer possible for the younger generation in Hong Kong anymore, Well no one know what the opportunities are, but I think for us, the opportunity cost is really low and maybe making a rich startup community growing is the only opportunity we have to purse a enjoyable, fruitful, and less alienated life.Feb 04, 2010
kin said…
less alienated life.. haha.before we talk about how to pursue a less alienated life, however, maybe we should discuss how many of us actually think we are leading an alienated life?
i very much agree with you. i’ve no idea how many youngsters think that way though.
Feb 04, 2010
Jonathan Buford said…
Wow, interesting comments. I’ve been in and around HK for about 10 years now, and still learning about this sort of aspect of the culture. Actually, if you don’t mind, I would like to understand better what people think they are alienated from?Feb 04, 2010
kin said…
i cant tell what people think but i may try to tell what i do .i didn’t chat with ben offline on this , but i guess we are on the same page regarding alienation as defined by
ckarl marx .putting it to the current hk ‘s context, i think some people are alienated from their hobbies, their careers (jobs are something else ) and their dreams.
some youngsters , as per my subjective observation , become “mature ” by starting to believe they should give up their dreams for reality. this is where i suspect people themselves think it’s an alienation, or just maturity .
Feb 04, 2010
Gene Soo said…
“Giving up their dreams for reality” I get that feeling a lot from talking to people here. Perhaps it’s the high cost of living (e.g. real estate) in Hong Kong and pressure from family and peers, many people will choose to do something they dislike or are indifferent to in order to avoid “risk”.Feb 04, 2010
Daniel Cheng said…
Thanks kin, confusion cleared.Many youngsters here indeed blame “reality” for making them give up their dreams, but ironically most will be agape with embarrassment when asked “what are you dreaming about?” I think this is more of a, in my biased opinion, deeply-embedded mentality. Even for start-ups, I feel that more of them in the US are truly living their passions, instead of aiming for the “jackpot”.
But like Gene said, it’s good that more and more graduates start to shun the old rigid paths.
Feb 04, 2010
Jonathan Buford said…
I don’t think this kind of alienation is necessarily that unique to HK, at least in the respect that people get to a point where they feel that they need to grow up and do something different than they want to do if they will be successful.I think the main difference is like Gene said, that friends and family (especially family) aren’t as supportive of pursuing those dreams. It seems like it is a bit of a vicious cycle, in that respect, that reinforces feelings of embarrassment or shame if you are doing something that doesn’t have a direct benefit for the family.
p.s. 同業朋友廣告一則:《戀愛嘉年華》