Launching a Web3 Publishing House in Pursuit of Freedom
At the end of last year, I swore that I would not start any new projects this year, but only fill the gaps. I really didn’t intend to deceive you, but I deceived myself. No sooner had I spoken than I started a publishing house and plunged into a deep pit. However, to say that…
#DePub tutorial: how to publish your work to blockchain
Publishing is an archaic word. Although we all know what this word means under the context of traditional media industry, the word should mean something more in the Internet era when anyone can publish their content to the Internet by just one click. So, how should we interpret publishing? We don’t normally call Facebook post a publication,…
If you had the supernatural power to make a piece of text last forever, what would it be? Our answer is A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
If you had the supernatural power to make a piece of text last forever, and there is no word limit, be it a sentence, a poem, an article or a book, what would it be? What if you could even make a painting, a photograph or a film last forever? With countless great works of…