Author: ckxpress
Cracking the Code: The Myths and Realities of Password Management
Don’t be fooled by a sleek website or assume that big companies have airtight security. Data breaches happen all the time. Apple, Google, Microsoft – they’ve all been hit. Facebook alone has leaked user data at least seven times, exposing over 500 million users’ phone numbers, birth dates, and locat
Understanding 2FA Two-Factor Authentication through Substack’s Login Design
2FA, on the other hand, adds a whole new dimension of security by incorporating another type of factor. It’s like moving from one-dimensional to two-dimensional security, significantly enhancing protection. Therefore, the crucial aspect of 2FA isn’t the “two” but the “factor” (F).
Web3dom Season One: A Reflective Milestone
Over the past year, excluding retrospectives and event notifications, I published 55 articles. These, as usual, cover Information Freedom (23 articles), Financial Freedom (18), Democracy (9), and Uncle’s Diary (5).
LikeCoin 3.0 Green Paper: Part Three – The Seven-Step Upgrade
The need for high community involvement in changes is a cost of decentralized operations, but it also highlights its value. After all, not being able to take arbitrary actions is a blessing for the community, making LikeCoin more resilient and sustainable.
LikeCoin 3.0 Green Paper. Part Two. Where Does the Coin Fall?
Although multi-chain offers choices, when the scale is not large enough, it may lead to data, NFTs and content being scattered across multiple chains, thus disrupting the user experience.
Thinking Fast and Slow on Bitcoin Pizza Day
Unless you completely avoid consumption, you must choose your asset type for daily expenses. Every day is “Bitcoin Pizza Day”.
LikeCoin 3.0 Green Paper: Part One – Returning to Ethereum
what truly affects the user experience isn’t the underlying data structure or which chain is used, but rather the “human-chain interface”, such as wallet addresses and the accompanying wallet software.
LikeCoin 3.0 Green Paper. Introduction
White papers are typically used by governments to announce policy outlines, while democratic governments often present initial proposals in green papers for discussion, gathering public opinions, adjusting them and finalizing them as white papers.
Four Years On: Revisiting the Bitcoin Halving
In fact, prior to the fourth halving, Bitcoin against the USD had already broken through historical highs, unlike previous cycles where new highs were achieved over a year after the halving. This indicates that the cycle is already changing; it’s just a matter of how significant the change will be.
Alice in Cryptoland: A Bitcoin-Centric Worldview
One reason why adopting a Bitcoin standard is challenging is that the quoting currency is not individually determined but socially dominated. The US dollar is the mainstream global currency, and living by the Bitcoin standard mentally requires constant conversion, similar to how tourists need to convert prices back to their home currency to understand how…